[GUIDE] SAM - push notifications fix!

SAM - (Subscriber Artificial Module)

For those of you that don't know what SAM is, or how to use it... here you go.

SAM (Subscriber Artificial Module) activates your iPhone officially with iTunes and enables your Push Notifications / Increased battery life.

They are two different things.

-Hactivation bypasses 'connect to iTunes' and gives access to the springboard. That is necessary to get to Cydia and install anything. 

-SAM generates the official certificates that allow Push, iMessage, FaceTime, etc to work. (Note: FaceTime/iMessage still not working with this program, I will put up a guide as soon as I come across a solution)

Thank You to JMartinez for the clarification.


[This tutorial is assuming you have Jailbroken your device and have "Cydia" installed]

1. Cydia, Manage > Sources > Edit > Add "http://repo.bingner.com" no quotes

2. Click on SAM and Install (It will install the rest of the dependencies along with it), Restart your iPhone after

3. Open "SAM" under "Utilties" select "De-Activate iPhone", "Revert lockdown", and then select "Restore Activation"

4. Plug into iTunes, and wait for the phone to load up + activation.
-If you get a iTunes Error saying invalid sim, go back into "SAM" and make sure "Auto Detect" is selected at the main menu.
-Once your phone loads up in iTunes, check SAM under "More Information" & look for Activation Status to read "WildcardActivated"

Your phone is now officially activated!

*After you successfully activate your phone, you can delete SAM and the dependencies that go with it. 
-Push Notifications + Increased Battery are still in effect.


  1. I am going to do this. But is there any idea for restoring back if i got some problem? mass notification software


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